Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Marketing success

There are four components to every marketing effort. All four of these key components must be given careful consideration-for each can cause the failure or success of your marketing. 
  • The Product 
  • The Message 
  • The Prospect 
  • The Media
Consistently successful marketing requires knowledge and mastery of these four factors which, together, can produce the desired results.

It's simple multiplication
Product x Message x Prospect x Media = Response Rate Predictor
Rating the Four Marketing Components

You have to do your research. Is the product or service you're offering going to meet an existing need or demand? What percentage of the public needs or demands it? You must know the exact demand or need you are trying to fill.

Can the product be priced profitably and competitively? Does the product offer value? How about quality? Do the best you can to objectively evaluate your product-from the prospect's point of view.
This includes the offer you're making, how you say it (the words), and how you present it (design elements).

Have you made an enticing offer? Does your headline grab the attention of your hottest prospects? Have you made your promotion look uncluttered, easy to read, professional? Once again, you must put yourself in your prospect's shoes. How will your message be perceived by them?
Who are the best candidates for your product or service? Will apartment dwellers be interested in your lawn tractors? Not a chance. Will the small business owner who spends only $2,000 per year on marketing be interested in my writing and consulting services? Probably not. Sending the right message about the right product to the wrong prospect can be a total waste.
How will you get your message in front of your hottest prospects? Direct mail? TV? Radio? Print ads? This element of your marketing is just as important as the other four. Spending the money for a professionally written and designed ad will do you no good if you place it in the wrong publication.

How sure are you of the media you've selected? Have you had success with them in the past, or are they untested for you? Are detailed demographics available? Do the best you can to rate your overall confidence in the media you plan to use.
How are we marketing Rotary?

1 comment:

  1. Great article. I am studying management sciences and this article was quite informative for me.

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