Monday, July 25, 2011

'Snow-quaked' in Christchurch

PDG Ross Skinner from Christchurch writes:
As if continued quakes and aftershocks although lessening, are not enough Christchurch City was on the 25th July blanketed with a covering of 10 -15cm of snow with more on the Port Hills.

At least it is different to be shovelling snow from the liquefaction which has now occurred to varying degrees on the four major earthquakes of 4th Sept, 26th Dec, 22nd Feb and 13th June.

However many people in the eastern parts of the city where there is no sewer service continue to trudge out to ‘Portaloos’. Approximately 50 houses were without power supply during the day but hopefully is now restored. 

Photos are our driveway this morning and this afternoon (note cracks in blockwork!) and St Mary’s Church at end of our drive. The latest damage was on 13th June when the north wall section ‘blew’ out / collapsed.

As one Christchurch resident said today about the snow:  "This puts the icing on the quake!"

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