Saturday, July 23, 2011

Working Together

Each month the Public Image (or PR) Coordinators meet via a teleconference.
This last week we met and covered a range of topiis one of which I will list here.

NZ Corporate Alliance Programme (NZCAP)
NZCAP Ltd is a company established in August 2001 by the six NZ Rotary Districts with the following national objectives:

  • To enter into, and maintain partnerships with New Zealand and Australasian businesses for the enhancement of NZ Rotary supported programme and projects.
  • To provide support facilities for organisations associated with Rotary.
  • To plan and conduct Rotary Awareness Events.
  • To enhance Rotary Club membership and retention.
  • To further the objectives of Rotary as defined by Rotary International. 
The six Directors are the six current District PR Coordinators.  The Chair is PDG Geoff Mathis supported by PDG Alan Davies with Treasurer (newly elected) PDG Fergus Cumming.
There ware many initiatives underway and planned.
The one we would like to promote to all is the USave programme - please advertise in your Bulletins and amongst your friends.  This is an excellent form of funding for Rotary - go to the web site and have a look for your self.

Check it out!!
These are postings from last year that explain it in more detail.

Click here to go to the USave web site
USave and Rotary gains! Yes - that's right and just launched on 6 May. The current District Governors have agreed to have Rotary in New Zealand associated with the following shopping web site. The way it works: ...

USave co-founder, Steve Harris says, "We want to be the biggest donator to the New Zealand community in the country, and we want the public to save money on everything they buy, not just daily deals. ...

What is USave you may well ask? Let me step back a bit. NZCAP (NZ Corporate Alliance Programme Ltd) was a vehicle formed as a Multi District programme, to assist develop a National Focus for Rotary within NZ. ...

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