Monday, May 21, 2012

30 September - a global initiaitve for clean water

On 30 September there is going to be a global water fundraiser to help clubs raise money so they can participate in Water Project Grants.
When the clubs raise the money they can then decide what water projects to support. Clubs can find their own projects or contribute to ones that already exist around the world.  This project is driven by Rotarians passionate about helping the less fortunate to have clean drinking water 

More details are here:

Run4Water encourages Rotary and other service groups to be involved in a global activity on 30 September to raise funds for Water Projects.  These activities could be a 'walk', a 'run', a 'climb', a 'hike' or even a 'motor bike rally'.  How about a 6 km walk carrying 6 liters of water in a backpack.  Some Clubs are staging 10km runs while others  are combining forces with other Clubs and doing less adventurous projects.  But all is happening globally on 30 September.
This will not only provide Clubs with a n opportunity to raise funds for Water Projects, but also to increase their profile in the community.

The passion of George Lewis ("The Waterman" from Florida) has inspired many people to become involved.  He writes:
We are organizing a huge Global Water fundraiser so Rotary Clubs around the world can raise money for Water Grants. It will be a Run/Walk in September. We hope to raise $1,000,000.Please let me know if you have an interest in participating. We also need District Champions who will help promote this event in their Districts. Take a look at us on Facebook, Rotaryglobalrun4water and also on our web site.
Thanks for your support.
The Water Man

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