Friday, July 8, 2011

Image conscious?

OK - you're right.  Something has changed and you are not sure what?  It is like meeting someone and they are wearing glasses or even stopped wearing glasses and you can't quite work out what is 'different' about their image.
Thanks to PP John Stephenson who is on District 9940 Public Image action group, my banner has been changed!!  Looking much better John - thanks heaps.  
You know - image is important when it comes to web sites, blogs and dare I say it - even our Rotary Clubs!!  Have you asked a 'silent shopper' to come along to your Club lately and to score you on your image?  You may get some surprising results.
Get them to score your Club out of 10 for the following:

Is there outside signage that there is a meeting?
Is the entrance into the building welcoming?
Were there instructions on how to get there?
Are you welcomed as you enter?
The venue - is it a good one?
What is the food like?
Are you spoken to and made to feel welcomed?
Are you shown where to sit?
Is the meeting interesting?
Is the speaker of good quality?
Can the announcements be heard?
Is there too much in-house talk?
Are there any jokes in bad taste?
Is the cost of the meeting reasonable?
Are you spoken to as you leave?
Would you want to return?

I suggest giving this to a non Rotarian friend and ask them to come to your meeting unannounced to compete the above 'survey'.  Let me know the results.  Who knows, they may become a member!

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