Friday, July 8, 2011

Red Noses - a great look!

Adrian Ellingham (from RC of Wellington North) introduced Josie Spillane of Cure Kids. He told us a little about her such as she got a BCom from Otago and that she had been Shrek's campaign manager and was now his funeral director.  Some speakers would find it hard to live up to such an introduction. 
PP Brian Poole, Josie Spillane (Cure Kids) and
PP Adrian Ellingham
Not Josie. She had our attention and dealt first with the nitty gritty. Cure Kids mission is to fund research into children's illnesses. Rotary initated the organisation has played a significant role in assisting it at times since. Cure Kids has been instrumental in establishing 3 chairs at NZ universities which are funded in perpetuity and are making significant discoveries in combatting children's illnesses. The first at Auckland was established in 1985.  The fourth is for Professor Swee Tan who has described his work leading on from strawberry birthmarks to finding a technique to use cells to stop tumours growing to the club. She says they have raised $1 million, they want to raise another $1 million and then they will have $2 million and that will qualify them for another $1 million from a donor.  She said all donations go towards this and her salary and expenses are paid by a separate trust which is already funded. She is looking for support from Rotary.

Surpise!!  Don't they look a picture!
That was the message. She then talked about some of her experiences with Shrek and how through the generosity of his owner and the cooperation of various other people Shrek captured the imagination of the world and managed to raise a lot of money for Cure Kids.  Although Shrek died last month a television production is being produced and Shrek's remains are in the hands of a taxidermest . Josie says that she receives media enquiries from all over the world about him all the time. This was entertaining stuff complete with pictures and music.

Finally an extended question and answer session explored the research and health issues.  Brian Poole gave the vote of thanks.  While we listened to President Maurice's closing remarks members enacted a mob scene wearing their red noses in the hope of providing Josie with some publicity material.

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