Sunday, July 17, 2011

Inner Image - as vital as any media campaign?

For every Rotarian and every Club there are two 'images' we need to consider.

What is our image of our selves?
What is the image others have of us?

Rotarian of the Year
- click
on the image
The first image, and I believe a vital one, is the image we have of our role in the international service organisation we call Rotary.  Unless we have a positive, correct image of who we are and what we represent when we wear our badge, we are not going to be the best ambassador to those we meet.  Yesterday I attended my District's Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) meeting.  It was a great meeting and we had a very in-depth discussion of the vision for this great leadership development programme.  What better way to market Rotary than to have members who feel inspired, motivated, empowered and able to speak confidently on what Rotary has done and continues to do in our society.

The second is what we traditionally focus on - the image of our Club and our organisation in general through the public media.  A higher profile is most certainly important but I would ague that the human side of our profile, our 'inner image' is as important.  And it is important that every Club should see this as part of their overall 'marketing strategy'.

Note on the image of this Rotarian: At the Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s annual installation banquet tonight at The Kenney, Steve Fuller was honored as Rotarian of the Year.

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