Monday, July 11, 2011

A Visioning sensation!

PDG David and President Mike
When a group of like minded Rotarians get together to visualise what their Club will be like, look like and feel like in 5 years time, it is a powerful activity.  
How is your Club?  Energised, active, are members fully engaged, ready for fresh challenges and prepared to question current norms?

Today Jenny and I joined PDG David and traveled to Carterton in the Wairarapa.  Here we spent 3 hours and completed a Club Visioning exercise with 13 members of the Carterton Rotary Club.
PP Nicky and PDG Alastair Osborn
One of the areas discussed of course was Public Image - and like many Clubs they have accepted the fact that it is each members' responsibility to portray a positive image of their Club to the community.  

To be welcoming, vibrant and relevant.  
To have an attractive web site or Blog and that it is inviting interest.  

They saw that in 5 years Carterton would be well informed with an electronic billboard situated on the main road leading through their town.

What are your Clubs Public Image goals ?  Do you have any?  Let's get down to business.  Failing to plan is planning to fail!

And after all our hard work we indulged in a good Kiwi custom - fish and chips wrapped in paper and friendship + tomato sauce.  A great day.

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