Monday, May 7, 2012

Inspiring opening address from RI President Banerjee

The opening remarks from RI President Kalyan were inspiring and powerful as he outlined the innovation planned for RI.   
Tony Fryer with Jenny waiting to enter the first plenary
The immense size of Impact Convention
A revamped web site he states 'will be a world beater' as Rotary pushes ahead with revitalisation of our image.
Supporting these actions for change is the "Rotary Showcase" (see previous posting) and the 'One Rotary Central' web site soon to be launched that will allow members and the public to appreciate for the first time to see the value of fund raising efforts in the world.
35,000 Rotarians from around the world have gathered in Bangkok in 38 degree temperatures.  Good to see the young Rotarians present and keen to play their part.  The sheer size of this convention gives everyone present a greater appreciation of the international value Rotary gives to the world.  I am proud to be a part of it. 

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