Today at convention here in Bangkok we had our first plenary session where there was a range of astounding speakers. We were inspired by all. The first to speak was the young Australian Hugh Evans who is the current CEO of the Global Poverty Project. A man with a vision and a passion to fight poverty and he has also shown tremendous support for the fight against polio. With confidence he claimed "we can change the world" and showed that if we were to 'galvanised around an issue' we could impact many lives for the good. I attended the breakout session where the room was overflowing - it was entitled "How to use Social Media to strengthen your Clubs". Practical guidelines were given and the quality of the questions afterwards shows an increasing uptake in the use of Face Book, Twitter and LinkedIn by Rotarians. And now more are getting on to 'Pinterest' as well. Finally I spent time on the RI Coordinators stand where I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Rotarians from around the world - Canada, Pakistan, Africa, Belgium - and yes, even some Australians! All keen to find out how better to promote Rotary's good work in their community. A full day, but a very fulfilling one, strengthening my resolve to serve more and to meet other people who will inspire me to be more active in this great organisation.
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