Friday, June 1, 2012

A basic human right??

Water is a basic human right, yet 900 million people lack access to safe water and over 2.5 billion have no safe sanitation. That’s why water & sanitation is a key focus area in the new Rotary, because where there is water there is peace, health, education, and economic development.  That’s why WASRAG, the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group, adopted the slogan “Start with water.”
We encourage every Rotarian to become familiar with the world water issues, both at home and in other parts of the world.  Every Rotary club should get involved in water and sanitation projects; and through multi-district and multi-club partnering we can together achieve so much more.
Money and expertise are keys to success, so are active Rotary clubs involved in raising funds and awareness. That’s why I endorse the RotaryGlobalRun4Water and encourage clubs around the world to embrace this simple but powerful formula.  It is an easy way for clubs to get involved with water in their local community and support meaningful grant projects. With broad participation in such a multi-district fundraiser we can foster partnerships, raise the exposure of Rotary, and most importantly make a significant difference in the cause for clean water.
Ron Denham
Chair, Wasrag

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