Thursday, July 21, 2011

A question...

Are rotarians reluctant to recruit new members and if so, why?
Why is it that so few Rotarians are introducing new members into their Club?
Let me know your thoughts by adding a comment to this post.  Thanks for your input.


  1. Are we perhaps secretly embarrassed by our clubs (or feel that they are irrelevant to people today) because we buy into the commonly stated myth that Rotary is about old people meeting for dinner and arguing among themselves. We need to be vocal in publicising what we do in our communities and internationally and should have a skite board on display both within our club rooms and when we do a project. If we struggle to feel the pride at club level we can always look up to a higher level where we have projects like ROMAC, Foundation, Polio,RUCHI and many more. Getting speakers along on these subjects should be a great way to fire up the club and invite potential members along to see the difference we make.

  2. I totally agree Neville - we often have the wrong image of ourselves and therefore do not reflect the pride we should have in our wonderful organisation. Speakers, videos, having members attend District training events (RLI is soon to come up again as an option in 9940) will enthuse members and provide the impetus for them to invite others to join.
