Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's not complicated - and yet very effective!

"The festive season is a time to reflect on the year just finished and revise our goals as we look forward.
Adrienne and I are away past making New Years resolutions but we do take time to reflect. 2011 was a tough year for us personally with Adrienne’s mother passing away and then my younger brother losing his short fight with an aggressive cancer. To remind us of the cyclical nature of life our first grandchild was born in London in April. We all have our own stories and issues to deal with and it really is how we deal with them and cope that make us all just who we are. However the summer break is a period for us to take time for reflection.
So if we reflect on our Rotary year.....what stands out? For us the Institute in Brisbane was a highlight and to have 170 future leaders participate was awesome. Hopefully they have been motivated to go home and make the changes needed to keep this organisation relevant and vibrant. Only a few Districts in Australia and New Zealand ended the year with more members than they started. Most had significantly fewer. About eight of our Districts are facing some redistricting action if their membership does not grow. Why is the organisation that gives so much and does so much not attracting members quickly enough to sustain itself? I belong to a club that has grown from about 35 members to 60+ in the last four years. Why has it grown? I suggest it is because people are tolerant and accepting new people, the club is very visible in the community, we have a lot of fun and we get the job done. Not complicated at all!!! My hope for 2012 is that more clubs will follow this example, and there are plenty of examples around just like this, but it starts with a plan and a few members getting motivated to do something. Maybe that could be your goal for 2012.
Adrienne and I want to wish you well for the new year and hope that your dreams for 2012 come true."
RI Director Stuart Heal

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