Wednesday, February 15, 2012

100 Ways to Celebrate a Rotary Day

What are you doing to celebrate Rotary's Birthday?

1. Create a giant birthday cake in the shape of a Rotary gearwheel to mark Rotary’s birthday, and invite the community or media to share it.
2. Update your club’s or district’s Web site, blog or social networking page with photos or video from your celebration.
3. Work with your local chamber of commerce to declare a Rotary Day in your town. Publicize the proclamation at schools and businesses, in newspapers, and on Web sites and social networking sites.
4. Conduct a billboard campaign highlighting Rotary’s continued service locally and globally to show the good it has accomplished.
5. Create a Rotary Day podcast with a panel of Rotarians discussing service projects. Post it on your Web site or blog, and send it to your local media.

Click here to read the rest of the 95 ideas - I am sure we can all be doing something to raise the awareness of Rotary in our community on or near 23 February.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea and I'll post it up in the RIBIsocialmedia group, a secret facebook group that is actively promoting #rotaryday on Twitter Facebook, Google+ etc.where news and views on rotary activities #rotaryendpolio #rotarysoclose will be found in abundance

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